Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I'm a little bit journal-obsessed.  I love how they come in so many sizes and shapes, colors and finishes, with paper fine and smooth, and paper you can glue and tape all over.  I was an avid journal keeper when I was younger, but then in my late teens/early twenties, I just lost interest.  It was hard.  It takes time.  Sometimes my handwriting stinks, and I refuse to type it.  These days, though, there are journals in just about every room in our house: you'll find them on shelves, gracing the tops of tables and rabbit hutches (as in the photo on the bottom); complete and in progress.  My husband keeps a journal the old-fashioned way, in books on which he handwrites, with a fountain pen, his thoughts and days.  I used to do that, too, but I get fidgety and need a change once in a while.  Or all the time.  

Luckily, there are so many ways to journal besides just writing paragraph after paragraph of the proceedings of each day (the way my grandmother has been keeping her journals for as long as I can remember - probably longer).  I want to show you some of my favorites!  So this post will begin a series I'll call "Document" where I will share what I've discovered - that journaling can be archival and creative - and you can share your thoughts and discoveries as well.

Oh, this is going to be fun!

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